Xbox推出Wii Nunchuk風格的自適應操縱桿


任天堂復古控制台的粉絲將發現與Wii Nunchuk相同的形狀,設備背面有兩個觸發按鈕,頂部有一個模擬棒。還包括四個面部按鈕。

這作為可訪問性的進一步幫助,並直接插入任何Xbox One或Xbox系列X/S控制台,Windows 11 PC或Xbox自適應控制器設備。




"The Xbox Adaptive Joystick is a singular, wired controller primarily designed to meet the needs of players with limited mobility. Its versatility helps players seamlessly incorporate it into their existing gaming setups. Built with the Gaming and Disability community who inform the development of Xbox products from the beginning. The joystick joins our family of adaptive accessories including the mouse, pen, adaptive kit and Xbox Adaptive Controller."

可以通過標準的Xbox配件應用程序重新映射按鈕。還可以通過Xbox Design Lab提供一系列3D打印的拇指頂部設計,以使用戶可以進一步自定義其需求。
